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Align Leadership



Leaders must  build a dynamic culture that serves the essentials. They must embrace a new agenda—one aimed squarely at what comes next. More than ever leaders need the confidence and humility to be comfortable with incredible ambiguity and chaos, taking risks with minimal information….and at the same time keep things humming.

Communication, trust and productivity are the key issues in managing a remote team. Team members need to go below the surface to challenge their thinking, test closely held certainties and discuss the undiscussables. Tough choices and innovative solutions are then possible to create the NeXt normal. 

What We Do

Leadership Development

NxKnowledge understands and helps leaders manage through the crises so they -

  • adapt boldly to create and execute new plans

  • build emotional fortitude in time of crises

  • to walk their talk so there is congruency between what they say and what they do

  • design concrete engagement strategies for maximum impact

  • have difficult, productive conversations.

We  provide leadership counsel and coaching, design customized enterprise wide leadership development initiatives and workshops, enlisting learning tools and real time learning. 

Team Alignment

Our process includes taking the pulse and surfacing assumptions and undiscussables, observing team meetings and leaders in action, team sessions and individual coaching. 

  • Authentic Teaming Process© for all teams at all levels

  • Team Coaching – intensive sessions with teams and individual leadership coaching 

  • A Blended Approach to Leading Exceptional Teams, Virtually

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