What's really important now?
Addressing the essentials AND never wasting a good crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated unprecedented change. Changes to every part of our lives are forcing us all to examine what is happening and what is really important. Organizations are needing to adapt quickly and identify creative, unconventional ways to survive and then thrive. We need to focus on the fundamentals, having conversations that matter and asking the tough questions with all stakeholders. We must turn over rocks to uncover the “squiggly” things and find innovative solutions.
We need to not accept the new normal as second best, but consciously look at how we can act to create a better normal. That does not have to be “heaven-storming”, nor a utopian wonder world, but just taking feasible steps for everyone.
Rather than returning to normal, now is a time to innovate new ways of working and new strategies that reflect the post-pandemic environment. There will, of course, be pressure to turn profits again, but the message that non-traditional, socially responsible measures of business success leads to long term sustainable success can be a central spur for innovation.
So what do we do when there is no road map for where we are at today?
We are off the proverbial map.
Clarity = Purpose + a Simple Plan
This involves:
defining what is important
taking a critical deep look at our values against what is happening and what we want to make happen
Start off with Taking Stock- What are your Strengths, your Gaps and your Opportunities in this new world?
Since our world has changed, our measurement criteria and methodology needs to change. How do we actually measure what we need to focus on and how do we best move forward? Using best practices no longer is valid. We need to look at next practices. Using a results - based framework, a three-step process accomplishes this in a simple collaborative manner. We can support you in creating a plan to take you to your next normal.